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Cooler Bag Breast Milk Becomes a Present Friend for Mothers and Babies

Returning to work does not mean stopping breastfeeding for your child. By expressing milk, the baby can still get milk without the mother next to him. In addition to the milking pump and the bottle of breastmilk storage, there is one more 'weapon' that mothers should want to continue giving breastfeeding while working, which is a breast milk cooler bag. Now breast milk cooler bags have been sold in various colors, motifs and shapes. The breast milk cooler bag is usually protected by a layer of insulation or styrofoam which can prevent outside air from entering so that the temperature inside the bag is maintained. Thus, breast milk will also be protected. A good breast milk cooler bag is generally made of three types of materials, namely a cold temperature barrier layer, a waterproof layer, and an outer layer. A good waterproof coating is generally in the form of laminated cotton, PUL, or vinyl plastic. While the outermost layer is the same as the waterproof layer or it can also be certain other materials, such as canvas. Cooler bag breast milk is very useful for working mothers who need a long travel time on their way home from office to home. The quality of Milky Milk (ASIP) stored in an ordinary bag is likely to decrease or even if it is not suitable for consumption if it is not stored in a breast milk cooler. To maximize and maintain the benefits of breast milk, check your breast milk cooler bag regularly to detect any broken or perfectly closed tears or zippers.

Other Equipment for expressing milk

In addition to the breastfeeding cooler bag, here are some tools that breastfeeding mothers should be able to access at work:
  • The room is clean and comfortable for milking

  • Some offices provide a special room for milking milk, complete with a refrigerator to store milk. While in offices that do not yet provide a similar room, breastfeeding mothers usually use a small mosque or meeting room that is not used to express milk.
  • Breast pump

  • Some mothers feel more comfortable milking with their hands, but there are also those who choose a practical breast pump. Whether using your hands, manual pumps, or electric pumps, don't forget to wash your hands first before blushing.
  • Plastic bottles or special breast milk plastic bags

  • Bags can be prone to tearing or leaking, especially if inserted and carried in a breast milk cooler bag. Therefore, you might be able to place the plastic in a tightly closed food container box to make it more sturdy. Avoid placing breast milk in disposable plastic bottles or plastic bags that are used daily and are not designed specifically for breast milk. When choosing a breast milk bag or milk bottle, buy one that does not contain BPA or labeled a triangle with the number 7. It is better to avoid glass bottles because of the risk of breaking when carried in a breast milk cooler bag. Also make sure these storage containers are completely sterile. Label each bottle and write down the date and time the milk was milked.

Saving Dairy Milk

ASIP stored at room temperature can only last for at least 4 hours. If the room temperature is more than 25 degrees Celsius, the age of ASIP can be shorter, which is around 2-4 hours. Therefore, to maintain quality, bottles containing ASIP are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator while the mother is working. But if your office does not provide these facilities, you can store ASIP in an breast milk cooler bag that is equipped with a bag filled with cold gel or ice cubes. Before being carried in a bag, store the gel bag overnight in the freezer. Gel bags will store the cold so that the temperature in the breast milk cooler bag also cools. ASIP stored in an insulated cooler bag breast milk with ice cubes can last for at least 24 hours. As knowledge, breast milk that is stored in the refrigerator can last for at least five days. While stored in a freezer at a temperature of minus 18 degrees Celsius can last up to six months in optimal conditions. Also keep in mind that the longer the storage period, the higher the risk of losing vitamin C. Expressing milk at work does require long-term commitment, discipline, and spend more time alone. But many mothers are willing to go through the hassle to give their best to Little One. Because it requires time and space, it is better for you to inform the needs of superiors in the office. Not only for babies, milking is also beneficial for nursing mothers. Breast pain because of the need to express milk will subside after the milk is milked. Expressing milk will also make the flow of milk more smoothly, so the baby can still suckle from the breast. This milking habit can begin at home from before the maternity leave ends. Thus, you can find out the best routine schedule about when breast milk is flowing smoothly.


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